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Health Care

Access to affordable and high-quality healthcare is a fundamental right for every American. It is crucial that we ensure that every individual in our country has the opportunity to receive the healthcare they need. Unfortunately, many people in Michigan, especially seniors, face significant barriers to accessing healthcare due to the high cost. I am committed to supporting protections for pre-existing conditions and fighting against any attempts to roll back these essential safeguards.

Expanding access to healthcare should be a shared priority. However, instead of striving toward this goal, Republicans in Washington have concentrated on dismantling The Affordable Care Act. The ACA has been effective, and Congress should focus on enhancing and broadening its reach. The ACA is working, and it is essential for Congress to continue strengthening and expanding it. I believe in creating a public option and a Medicare buy-in to introduce more competition and coverage options in the healthcare marketplace.

Many seniors in Michigan are faced with the difficult choice of prioritizing essential needs over the cost of necessary medications. I support legislation aimed at lowering the cost of prescription drugs and allowing Medicare to negotiate with pharmaceutical companies. Additionally, I support efforts to cap the cost of insulin. In Congress will work tirelessly to control prescription drug costs, cap the cost of insulin, expand access to telehealth, and promote research and innovation to enhance the health and well-being of all Americans.

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